JK Homeless Action is a team of skilled volunteers that go out onto the streets of London to offer food, clothes, sleeping equipment, toiletries, grooming and haircuts as well as minimal invasive medical care, and provide advice and a signposting service to rough sleepers.
Life on the streets is not a nice experience, in fact the conditions rough sleepers find themselves in are dangerous and very degrading. Add to this the noises of the busy streets, the cold climate, and the lack of sanitation it is no surprise that rough sleepers often suffer with poor health, both physically and mentally, making if difficult to move forward in life.
JK Homeless Action was launched to try and challenge this. Our aim is to provide relevant education that will contribute to improving the situation of London’s homeless community, aiding them in their quest to spring the trap of homelessness on their life and live a better life.
For this project I had created a logo, flyer and roll up banner.